HR Policies

Employment Document Pack
Retail price $4,170
Covers all the basics of the employment lifecycle, including recruiting, orientation and leave
Our price: $3,330

Performance Management Pack
Retail price $1,814
Covers correspondence, policies and checklists associated with appraisals and performance
Our price: $1,450

Employee Leave Pack
Retail price $1,814
Covers all templates about leave including parental leave, cashing out leave and leave without pay
From: $1,450

Work, Health and Safety Pack (WHS)
Retail price $7,167
Includes a comprehensive list of policies around safety from Vehicle Safety and Bullying through to Drug and Alcoho
Our price: $5,000

Domestic and Family Violence Leave Pack
Retail price $1,463
Covers essential templates relating to domestic and family violence leave
Our price: $1,050

Comprehensive Policy Pack
Retail price $8,740
This pack will provide you with an entire suite of HR Polices for you to feel confident that you have everything covered.
From: $6,100
Is your business at risk?
The HR environment in Australia is growing increasingly complex. It is difficult for businesses to have a concrete sense of compliance while remaining up-to-date with their risk exposure.
Issues such as bullying and harassment, vicarious liability and revised modern award and pay systems only serve to further complicate the landscape.
Many small Australian businesses are fully engaged and evolving too rapidly to realistically prioritise defining policies.
DLPA is dedicated to assisting you in establishing your
Policies in both a time and cost-effective manner.
You can choose from any of the options above.
Each option includes contracts, templates and checklists, ranging from engagement letters and employment contracts through to first aid policies and workplace inspection checklists.
We simply require a few details to proceed in compiling your policies, which usually is completed within seven working days.
Not sure where to start? Book your free HR Risk Assessment here and we will provide you with essential guidance regarding your policies.